Siemens plc response to Amber Rudd's speech on a new direction for UK energy policy: se_01152114-full.jpg

18 Nov 2015

Siemens plc response to Amber Rudd's speech on a new direction for UK energy policy

Greater energy policy certainty welcome, industry up for the cost challenge

London, UK, 2015-Nov-18

"Energy investments take many years to come to fruition and the Secretary of State is right to recognize the role that government policy plays in this process. Siemens, like all investors, has been looking for greater certainty about the direction of UK energy policy so we are pleased with the commitments made in the speech, particularly around gas and the importance of offshore wind to the energy mix. We look forward to seeing further detail in the coming weeks and months."

"At the same time the Secretary of State has challenged the offshore wind industry to achieve greater cost-competitiveness. As she notes, we have already made great progress in this regard and we are confident that we can go further still. Siemens is supporting Offshore Wind Week and the industry has published a vision statement setting out our ambition to bring costs down and help the UK meet its future energy demands."

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