Siemens and ubitricity rollout first London EV charging points: Group photo

20 Nov 2018

Siemens and ubitricity rollout first London EV charging points

Southwark Council joined Siemens and its technology partner ubitricity to unveil their first electric vehicle charge points, installed using the recently announced London Go Ultra Low Cities Scheme (GULCS), a residential charging fund via the Mayor, Transport for London (TfL), and London Councils framework.

The charge points have initially been installed in Neckinger Road and will provide an on-street charging service to residents.

Southwark Council is in discussions to install around 60 of these sockets to help residents who do not have access to off-street parking and therefore need to park and charge at home, on-street.

The ubitricity SimpleSocketPlus offers councils proven, unique and pioneering technology to retrofit the city’s street lights, providing convenient and affordable electric vehicle charging points for residents and visitors alike.

The sockets can be installed directly into the existing street light, eliminating the need the for additional infrastructure and minimising the need for any new street clutter.  Uniquely requiring no external components, they are ideal for any residential, community or business area, preserving both the look and feel of the street, of particular importance in London’s many historic and conservation areas.  Where the street light is installed at the back of the footway, the Worcester manufactured self-righting and passive safe NAL EV charging bollard is deployed.  These charge points see a number of firsts for London, and possibly anywhere in or out of the UK.

Users are offered two simple access methods to charge their vehicles.

  1. Pay As You Go – bring your own standard charging cable, simply plug-in, scan a QR code with your smartphone’s camera or free download app (on iOS and Android), enter your payment details and charging commences at a flat rate of 24p/kWh.  No monthly fee, no stress, just pay for the kWhs you use.
  1. The ubitricity SmartCable – bring your own personal energy tariff with you to any ubitricity charge point.  From as little as 16.2p/kWh, your SmartCable is plug-and-play, no QR code, no RFID card, just connect and come back in the morning.

The first Southwark resident to use these charge points is Reiss, a recent convert to the iconic electric LEVC black taxi.  Taxi drivers, just like any other London residents, need a convenient and affordable method of charging their vehicle when they get home from work, be it early evening or early morning. 

Like many London residents, most taxi drivers do not have access to off street parking, so need a home charging solution they can use on-street.  Whilst on the go in the city, the rapid charging network supported by the Mayor, TfL, London Boroughs and others is vital, this critical network is complemented by drivers being able to start every day with a ‘full tank of electricity’.

Cllr Richard Livingstone, Cabinet Member at Southwark Council said: “These electric vehicle charge points are being installed in residential streets, outside people’s homes, in response to feedback from our residents.

“We want to help people to make decisions that improve air quality here in Southwark, be that by walking, cycling and taking public transport, or by using clean fuel. These new charge points are making it easier than ever for people who live in Southwark to make the switch to electric vehicles.”

Chris Beadsworth, Director, Medium Voltage Systems, Siemens Energy Management, said: “Siemens as strategic shareholder of ubitricity is working closely with them to provide quality, convenient and open access charging points to help accelerate the increase in privately owned electric vehicles. Our aim is that charging your car should be affordable and as simple as charging your phone.

“By making charging convenient for millions of people in cities, such as London, it will help accelerate the uptake of electric vehicles, driving a cleaner and greener city. Under the GULCS framework, Siemens is delighted to see the first charge points commissioned, and we expect to see over a thousand sockets installed across London for its residents over the coming months.”  

Knut Hechtfischer, co-founder of ubitricity said “ubitricity is delighted to commission our first London GULCS sockets with our partners.  We started our journey here in London almost three years ago exactly, with a small grant from TfL.  Today we have over 300 sockets installed in the UK and London is poised to see over a thousand sockets installed for its residents over the coming months.  This will help to keep London at the forefront of the EV revolution, providing cleaner air to the great city and its inhabitants.  Our solution can accommodate any EV user, with a range of affordable and convenient charging options.”

Key points

  • First Siemens and ubitricity sockets to be installed under London GULCS scheme
  • Siemens is responsible for identification, installation and maintenance of the charge points
  • First electric LEVC taxi to be able to charge at home, while parked on-street, using the street lights right outside the driver’s home
  • Users can choose to use their standard charging cable and QR code for simple PAYG access
  • Residential uptake of electric vehicles is increased with access to convenient and affordable charging close to home
  • Southwark Council is looking to roll out 60 sockets across the borough
  • ubitricity are also working together with EDF Energy and development partners Upside Energy and UK Power Networks on an Innovate UK funded joint research project, V2Street, looking at new smart services that can be developed from EVs feeding back electricity into the grid (V2G)


Contact information

Sara Crane

PR Consultant

Siemens Energy Ltd

+44 (0)7921 847640

Notes to editors

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