Frimley, UK, 2014-Feb-04
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, part of the Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has strengthened its CT imaging facilities with the installation of a SOMATOM® Definition Flash CT system from Siemens Healthcare.
Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital, part of Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, has strengthened its CT imaging facilities with the installation of a SOMATOM® Definition Flash CT system from Siemens Healthcare. The new system is intended to improve departmental workflow and expand services available to the local patient community. It also provides the potential to expand the hospital’s cardiac, neurological, oncological, trauma and paediatric CT imaging services in the future.
The CT system’s Dual Source technology enables whole body imaging in under five seconds speeding up throughput and smoothing workflow. This helps the hospital to increase the frequency and volume of procedures. The SOMATOM Definition Flash is also designed to improve the quality of routine and non-routine examinations while also ensuring the lowest possible dose for patients.
The hospital is benefiting from the system’s Stellar Detector technology that supplies ultra-thin slices with high spatial resolution plus also virtually eliminating electronic noise. Flash Spiral scanning, which incorporates two X-ray tubes, is designed to increase the speed and accuracy of imaging by minimising the impact of the patient’s heart rate or movement. In turn, this is intended to reduce the need for sedation and to optimise diagnosis in a trauma situation.
The installation at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital is part of Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust’s on-going investment in advanced imaging and diagnosis capabilities and comes at the same time as the opening of newly refurbished 24-hour X-ray facility. Both the new X-ray facilities and Definition Flash will be used for routine and emergency procedures.
“We are investing for the future, to provide excellent care using leading-edge technology,” states Donna Green, Deputy Chief Executive at Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust. “The new CT system will provide detailed routine and emergency images with greater speed and accuracy, allowing us to provide even better diagnosis for patients. The system’s ease of use has been well received by the radiology team that also welcomes the dose protection offered by the system’s innovative features.”
“Hampshire Hospitals is keen to build on the work of the specialist cardiac services that already exist at the hospital and we’re delighted that the installation of the SOMATOM Definition Flash will support this goal,” states Paul Vaughan, Regional Sales Manager at Siemens Healthcare. “Split-second imaging capabilities, together with the ability to provide minimum dose levels without compromising image quality, should assist the hospital in its aim of providing even better care and diagnosis for patients.”
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